Defrostatica Records
Defrostatica is a German record label from Leipzig founded by the DJs Booga and Kords + Kajal in 2015.
»Breakbeats are my passion, it doesn’t matter whether at 140, 160, or 170bpm«, Booga explains, who championed his first gig with Drum’n’Bass and Jungle in the mid 90s. Since then, he has not only proved himself as a producer, remixer and DJ, but rather also as an organiser, and has once again worked together with Kords + Kajal, who hosts her own radio show on Radio Blau in Leipzig, and works as a booker in the classic club Distillery. The trigger for the joint label provided a track from the producer Kator, also living in Leipzig, who occupied the first Defrostatica roster with »Connor« and »Get Stacked«. Even though in recent times, Leipzig has made itself famous for having a strong House and Techno scene; Breakbeats are equally a part of the urban DNA, like the founder of the networks Breaks and It’s Your explains. »From the mid/end of the 1990s, Leipzig had a strong Jungle and Drum’n’Bass scene, which was musically left wing. Over the years in clubs like Distillery and Conne Island, the entire UK-league practically came to visit. This acclimatisation which we have been actively contributing to, has naturally felt like Juke and Footwork in the past five years.«
Hence, Defrostatica evolves in a »type of domino effect«, as Booga puts it. Via their promotion work the two of them have woven an international network, including contacts to DJ Storm, the late Kemistry, or the producer Kiat – signed by the legendary Metalheadz label. The Singaporean took over the design of the records, and has now also become a part of the back catalogue with his own productions. Mastered in Finland by the producer Fanu, further connections lead to Kabuki in Frankfurt, who organises parties in Berlin together with Drum’n’Bass legend dBridge. A small label from Leipzig has become an international project. But what actually makes a Defrostatica release a Defrostatica release? »We are keen on innovative, boundary-breaking shit«, Booga says plainly. »Essentially, what counts is the vibe of the tune.« However, Booga and Kords + Kajal place a lot of value on these tunes being showcased correctly. »Do it yourself is our method«, Booga emphasises. And what is behind it all? »We are keen on the tune by The Streets, »Let’s put things forward«. We don’t need any more philosophy than that.« Which may even thump at 140, 160, or even 170bpm.