
HADE + Gutta

Nothing Wrong EP

Local Talk • 2014

The producers HADE and Gutta from Cologne have released their first collab-EP, which already reveals its content straight through its title: »Nothing Wrong« here. Instead, you’ll find three very functional house-tracks, deeply rooted in the past 15 years of British club-culture, coined by garage, speed garage, post garage and all the rest of them. True bass lines, melodious synth-chords, rap-adlips and (most importantly) R&B-samples wherever you look. However, it all comes across as slightly over the top – this record is not about distinguished ingenuity but rather uses hooks like Adina Howard’s »Freak like me«. There’s nothing wrong with that, really, although there’s nothing surprising about it, either. And yet, the outstanding DJ-material, made to unfold its impact in the clubs, is well functional. The title track, »Nothing wrong«, in particular, catches our ears: Individual layers of the track are engaging, building up stone by stone, taking their own offs away, just to return into the stroboscope’s light, even more dynamically and energetically than before. It’s music for the sweating mass, an impressive floor-filler, made for the peak time like a bull at the gate. Good stuff.