The old boys of Cypress Hill can still surprise us! Hardly anyone would have seen a collab with dubstep-producer Rusko coming. Those who know Rusko’s sound also know that he’s not really the guy for delicate nuances or modesty. Instead, he normally raises the level of euphoria in order to make the dancefloor explode at the »chorus« with a wall of wobbly basslines and wild synthesizers. It’s this very approach of sensory overload that he follows on this EP – a change of strategy would have been rather counter-productive, too. Sen Dog and B-Real rap with all their routine about common topics like guns and their beloved Ganja (for which they even got themselves some competent support by Damien »Jr. Gong« Marley on »Can’t Keep Me Down«). For »Shots Go Off«, obligatory pistol-shots were pressed into beats, which is neither a very innovative idea nor has it been implemented very skillfully. The last track, »Medicated«, even runs the risk of sliding into funfair-melodies with its cheap techno fanfares. Hence, there’s a justified worry of the album quickly showing wear marks, despite its fresh sound. The really kicking single in collaboration with Jr. Gong in addition to a crunchy b-side would have been more than sufficient here.
In The Wake Of Wolves
Central Processing Unit