KOKOKO! will be blasting through Berlin with their African Alternative Electronic Post-Punk in early October


»Bazo Banga« is the new single from KOKOKO! that hammers rhythmically in your ears. A foretaste of the album “BUTU”, which will be released by Transgressive in July and is likely to accelerate in a different way. On October 3, 2024, the collective, which has since shrunk to Makara Bianko and Débruit, will play a concert in Berlin.

KOKOKO! in Concert
03Oct 2024
Berlin • Gretchen
Buy tickets

Night comes knocking

It’s not surprising that KOKOKO! derive their name from the onomatopoeic word for knocking: Somewhere between Congolese drums and the noise level of Kinshasa, Bianko and Débruit create danceable electro sounds that get lost in the hustle and bustle of the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They themselves call the sound »African alternative electronic post-punk«. It fits. A bit of city chaos here, a bit of distorted club atmosphere there. »BUTU« already describes this mood in its name. Translated, it means »the night« and it’s exactly what you want to find between confused field recordings and the cranked-up BPM: intoxication and anarchy.