Auch wenn Jay Donaldson nun seit geraumer Zeit in Berlin lebt: Die spirituelle Heimat des Briten liegt in den USA, genauer gesagt im Bundesstaat Illinois, noch genauer gesagt in Chicago. Seine Debüt-EP »Equation«, die gleichsam den Startschuss für das Londoner Plattenlabel Lobster Theremin bedeutete, präsentierte mit dem Larry Heard-inspirierten Titelstück und dem hart funkenden Acid-Workout »Late Jam« zwei der größten House-Hits des Jahres 2013. Seitdem ist der Name Palms Trax kaum aus dem aktuellen Clubgeschehen wegzudenken. Neben diversen Remixaufträgen ließ Palms Trax auf seine Instant-Hits eine weitere EP auf Lobster Theremin folgen und debütierte erst kürzlich auf dem niederländischen Imprint Dekmantel
Damit noch nicht genug moderiert Donaldson seit gut einem Jahr die Radiosendung »Cooking With Palms Trax« im Berlin Community Radio. Seine 10 Favorites versammeln schönsten und obskursten Perlen aus 10 Sendungen in chronologischer Reihenfolge. Zwischen zeitgenössischer, im Leftfield angesiedelter Clubmusik würzt Jay Donaldson die Radiowellen auch mit alten Soul-Tunes oder übersehenen House- und Techno-Tunes. Empfohlen haben sie ihm unter anderem PAN-Gründer Bill Kouligas, abgesegnet wurden sie zum Beispiel von Panorama Bar-Resident Nick Höppner und auf YouTube sind nicht alle von ihnen zu finden.

taken from the EP »Silent Teaching«, Going Good 2013
Palms Trax: Mindbender. Wish I knew what that instrument was and how to play it.

taken from the EP »Charlene«, Peoples Potential Unlimited 2013
Find it at 12inch Palms Trax:* Mickey de Grand IV must be one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. I wore a Peoples Potential Unlimited top during our first day in Tokyo for Red Bull Music Academy and he careened towards me. Turns out he’s part of Psychic Mirrors too, an ensemble based out of Miami. They’re touring through Europe for the first time this summer so look out for them / book them for your party.

taken from the EP »Legs«, Luv N’ Haight 2006
Find it at 12inch
Palms Trax: Not sure how I first heard of Darondo, think it might have been recommended on iTunes like all great music. Anyway, I reckon he’s made some of the best tunes of all time during a criminally short recording career that thankfully got a second wind courtesy of Ubiquity. Check out the feature about him on “Wax Poetics”: for more info.’

from the album »Black Secret Technology«, Juice Box 1995
Palms Trax: Went round to Nick Höppner’s house once and we both agreed that Black Secret Technology is very good.

taken from the album »Much Less Normal«, 1080p 2014
Palms Trax:* Think »Much Less Normal« may be my favourite album of 2014, released on cassette via 1080p and subsequently re-issued on vinyl by the ever-amazing Firecracker Recordings. Check out the extended version of this tune on Pacific Rhythm, too.

taken from the EP »In And Out/Brother’s Gonna Work It Out«, Motown 1982
Palms Trax: If only people still did soundtracks like The Mack. Ron Hardy used to play this one out and it sounds even more powerful through a giant pair of speakers.

taken from the EP »ART 5.1«, Applied Rhythmic Technology (ART) 1994
Palms Trax: Eternal thanks to Bill Kouligas for turning me onto Steve Pickton, who recorded as Stasis, Phenomyna, Paul W. Teebrooke and more throughout the 90s. He’s made some absolute belters.

taken from the EP »Message«, Kristofferson Kristofferson 2012
Palms Trax: Rising Sun makes very, very deep music. This one is from a yellow 7inch that, once you’ve realised plays inside out, is killer.

taken from the album »Bar Konon Mousso Bar«, Sacodis 1978
Find it at LP Palms Trax:* My girlfriend is a big fan of Amadou Ballaké and so discovered him through her. This song originally appeared on the album Bar Konon Mousso Bar that got re-issued via the wonderful Kindred Spirits label last year. Someone actually shelled out £227.72 for the original on Discogs, gutted!

taken from the EP »Try Me Out«, Trax 1996
Palms Trax: Classic record that seems to have been somewhat forgotten about (its not on YouTube, basically). Absolute steal at €4.99.