In Hyetal’s Musik kommen Einflüsse aus analogem Synth-Pop der 1970/1980er Jahre, zeitgenössische elektronische Stile und seine Vergangenheit in verschiedenen Metal-Bands zum Tragen. Der Umzug von Southampton nach Bristol 2003 sollte auch für seine musikalische Entwicklung eine tragende Rolle spielen, bewegte er sich dort auf einmal in der neu aufkommenden Grimeszene. Was er heute produziert, lässt sich wohl im weitesten Sinne als Dubstep beschreiben, lotet aber stets dessen Grenzen ins unermessliche aus. Seine fünf Track starke EP Broadcast , die im letzten Jahr über Black Acre erschien, klang streckenweise dunkel, in jedem Moment intensiv und offenbarte dabei Songs mit überdurschnittlicher Halbwertszeit. Welche Tracks des, normalerweise großen Fans des Albumformats, privat auf Dauerrotation laufen, verriet er uns in seinen DJ Charts.

taken from the 12inch Two Different Ways, DFA 2011
I played a few shows with this band at the end of last year. Their live show is amazing and this is a great record. Been playing out a lot.

previously unreleased
Kowton is gonna have a great year. He’s been working away for a while now and has developed a very unique sound. This track has grime-ish synth strings which is always a good thing.

taken from the album 20 Jazz Funk Greats, Industrial Records 1979
One of the prettier tunes they made. Good for dropping in when DJing,

taken from the Mixtape XXX, Fools Gold 2011
Find it at CD For me, a unique personality in rap music is the most important thing. Danny Brown is definitely that.

taken from the 12inch Function Open, Diskotopia 2011
Diskotopia have been sending me stuff for a while now. They’re a really good electronic label based in tokyo.

previously unreleased
I’ve been following a lot of the jerk stuff coming out of LA for the last couple of years. There’s some really interesting things going on. The music is so colourful and bright with a lot of raw energy. Its difficult to buy most of the good stuff, you have to spend hours trawling youtube

taken from the LP This Dawn, Black Acre 2012
Find it at LP Black Acre have some great records coming out this year. Alby is a talented dude.

taken from the LPKings and Them, Tri Angle 2012
There’s a bunch of new rap producers coming through at the moment. Excited to see how it all pans out. Evian Christ is more on the more experimental end of it i guess. Some great music and lots of potential on this tri angle mixtape.

taken from the LP Unknown Pleasures, Factory 1979
Find it at CD Best start to an album ever. Joy Division are a big influence.

taken from the 12inch Morning Rain, 1986
French new wave band who apparently only released this single. The tunes are incredible.