Review Hip Hop

Gensu Dean

Lo-Fi Fingahz

Mello Music Group • 2012

Looking at the large variety of artists at Mellow Music Group it’s quite easy to lose track of what’s happening. Now it’s Gensu Dean’s turn, for »Lo Fi Fingahz« the producer brings together the best of the best of the 1990s. Artists including Large Professor, Saddat X, Count Bass D and Prince Po get a shot at putting some flavor in Dean’s beats. Besides the mentioned David Banner and DMC have their share in trying to make this album a unique work of art. Let’s talk about the sound – right, what would you expect of these protagonists of rap history on a label like MMG that stands like no other for timeless Boom Bap? Right, Boom Bap it is on »Lo Fi Fingahz«. Knowing what to expect before actually listening to the songs can be an advantage, but maybe not in this case. The majority of beats is properly done and builds a solid foundation for the featured guests, but none of the tracks really sticks in one’s mind, most of them being too similar, too replaceable. »Forever« with Large Professor might be one of the few tracks that will last. All in all an mediocre record which surely had more potential.