Review Dance Electronic music

Black Decelerant

Reflections Vol. 2: Black Decelerant

RVNG Intl. • 2024

The title comes as no surprise. With Reflections, the label RVNG Intl. started a series that was started last year by Steve Gunn and David Moore and is now continued by Black Decelerant. This explains why the duo of Khari Lucas aka Contour and Omari Jazz are presenting their joint debut album with this record, even though it bears the additional title »Vol. 2«. »Reflections Vol. 2« is a jazz album that, apart from a few restrained guitar tones, relies on electronic means.

Improvisation rhymes with ambient for Black Decelerant as well as with glitch. The addition of Jawwaad Taylor’s processed trumpet on two of the tracks, which are only numbered, is merely an extension of the sound, adding an extra facet. It may not be necessary, but it’s not too much either. As the name of the project makes clear, it is all about deceleration, about black deceleration, and the two of them have everything they need for that. Another question is whether the music’s political message—it’s also about criticism of capitalism and white supremacy—is conveyed solely through the music. Maybe it doesn’t have to. Knowing about it might be enough.